Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Exhibition: Maurice Mbikayi at The Centre for African Studies /UCT

"Notre Peau" under the sponsorship and support of Hollard Creative Programme Exchange ant the Jeanetta Blignaut Art Consultancy is now at The Centre for African Studies at UCT
-Harry Oppenheimer Building
Engineering Mall/Upper Campus,University of Cape Town/UCT
Opening on Wednesday 23 March 2011 at 18h00

Address by Andile Mngxitama(Editor of New Frank Talk)


-The Centre for African Studies,UCT
-Jeanetta Blignaut Art Consultancy
-Hollard Creative Exchange Programme
-Association For Visual Arts/AVA Gallery
- Siona O'connell
-Lilian Jacobs
Natasha Himmelman
-Oddveig Nicole Sarmiento
-Haley McEwen

At the Alliance Francaise of Pretoria

Echoes now at the Alliance Francaise of Pretoria, selected as travelling exhibition from Alliance Cape Town.
From 14th March at 19:15 to 28th

Exhibition at Alliance Francaise of Port Elisabeth